Sometimes life feels just like an endless battle. It seems full of hurt, disappointment, loneliness and pain. Often, we feel like the endless battle of hurts will never heal, fears will never leave, and dreams will never be realized. And if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, this battle can seem all but hopeless.
Night or day, it doesn’t seem to matter. Night often descends with a vacuum of loneliness. Daytime can bring a blinding brightness of uncertainty.
When the future is unclear and there are decisions to be made, our thoughts can run away and leave us feeling despondent and utterly powerless.
But there is good news. Despite the battle, the pain or the darkness. . . you can begin to rethink your life. You haven’t lost control . . . You have control of your life. You control want your future will look like. You have the strength to walk through the uncertainty of the daytime and the loneliness of the night with your head held high. You have the tools available to battle in the arena, even when you stumble or are covered in dirt and dust from the fight.
Best part of all? You don’t have to do it alone. There is a caring person, a warm smile and an understanding heart, just waiting to help you. All it takes is the courage (which you already have!) to click the button below to schedule an appointment – you don’t have to speak to anyone today. No cost, no judgment, no hassle here. Just someone who understands the battle you are in, and can be your greatest ally as you fight.
“Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough.”
Those words were spoken by the psychologist and brilliant researcher, Brene Brown. Brene’s studies show that shame grows exponentially when surrounded by secrecy, silence, and judgment.
The good news? Her study also shows that when shame is met with empathy and understanding . . . SHAME CANNOT SURVIVE!
So how about it? Are you ready to stop fighting this battle all by yourself? Are you ready to be done with the lonely nights and the uncertain days? Are you ready to put an end to the shame?
Are you ready to rethink your possibilities?
Want to know how a call to Advice & Aid would go? Read this post:
“A Call for Help!”