Know Your Rights

You have rights, and it’s vital that you know your rights before making your decision. 

For Women Seeking Legal Abortions

You have the right to insist that your abortion can only be performed by a licensed physician.

You have the right to know the medical malpractice history of this physician and to know whether his or her license to practice medicine has ever been suspended or revoked.

You have the right to know if this doctor has an insurance policy that will protect you in case of injury or death.

You have the right to insist that if you are injured during your abortion, you are to be immediately transferred by ambulance to the nearest emergency hospital or trauma center.

You have the right not to have an abortion. Regardless of your age, marital status, or any other factor, no one has the legal right to make you have an abortion. If anyone tries to force you into this decision against your will, contact Advice & Aid.

At the abortion facility, you will be asked to sign some legal papers.

Although this is normal, it is important for you to understand that these documents are not designed to protect you; they are designed to protect the physician performing the abortion, the medical staff, and the facility.

In order to protect yourself, follow these guidelines:
DO NOT sign anything until you have read it completely and are certain that you understand everything it says.

DO NOT sign anything that contains blank spaces or information that you believe is incomplete or inaccurate.

DO NOT sign anything that says you will not sue the abortion provider or physician as a result of injuries or death.

DO NOT have the abortion until you are given a copy of everything you signed.

Important Safety Information

Even life-threatening abortion injuries are not always apparent at the time of the procedure. If you experience any unusual physical problems in the weeks or months that follow your abortion, seek medical attention immediately as you may be having complications from your abortion.

You should also seek immediate medical attention if you suspect that you may still be pregnant after your abortion.

If you are a minor and you have an abortion without telling your parents, let them know immediately if you develop problems that you think may be related to the procedure. Abortion injuries can be serious or fatal and your parents can help you get the medical attention you may need.

It is best practice to always have a follow-up appointment after your abortion. If the clinic does not offer this to you, please schedule a Post Abortive Assessment at Advice & Aid.

Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers offer peer counseling and accurate information about all pregnancy options.
In keeping with our non-profit, pro-woman mission, Advice & Aid does not offer or refer for abortion services.

10901 Granada Lane,
Suite 100
Overland Park, KS 66211
Call: 913-962-0200

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