Care Management is an area of specialty practice within the practice of social work. Advice & Aid provides Care Management services by way of emotional and physical supportive resources to parents who are struggling with the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy.
The responsibility of being a parent can be overwhelming. Care Management can provide help by offering a network of comprehensive community resources and available care to each parent.
Care Management is a collaborative process that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates options and services.
Potential areas we can help:
- Childbirth Programs & Resources
- Childcare Resources & Financial Assistance
- Community Resources Referrals
- Domestic/Intimate Partner Abuse
- Education Services
- Employment Assistance & Resources
- Immigration Assistance through Education & Referrals
- Legal Assistance through Education & Referrals
- Medical Insurance Assistance
- Mental Health Referrals
- Parenting Programs & Resources
- Spiritual Resources
- Transportation Assistance
- Adoption Resources
We are ready, willing, and able to guide you, assist you, and prepare you for birth. Our service offerings are supportive, confidential, and non-threatening. If you are feeling confused, worried, or overwhelmed, visit us today or call for an appointment at 913.962.0200