A limited Obstetrical (OB) ultrasound establishes whether a pregnancy is viable by identifying a heartbeat; determines if the pregnancy is intrauterine (in the uterus); and also determines how far along you are. Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center offers a limited first-trimester ultrasound when appropriate.
This service is provided at no cost to you and will provide valuable information before you make a decision regarding your pregnancy.
If you believe that you might be pregnant, you need to know for certain. The best way to do that is through an ultrasound. This will help you as you make a decision regarding your pregnancy.
There are four things that are important for you to consider at this critical moment in your life:
(1) Certainty of whether or not you are pregnant (which is solved through an ultrasound);
(2) All of the options that are available for you;
(3) All of the facts about each of those options; and
(4) A plan that is right for you – both your current self and your future self.
We can help with each of these important steps. You need to know that you are not alone, that help is close, and that knowledge can help put you back in control!
It’s as simple as clicking on the “Book Now” button and scheduling a time that works best for you.