We asked a couple to share with us their journey and what they have learned through raising a child with disabilities. What follows are their thoughts and their story of learning and loving.
A resource for you
We would like to share a resource with you from Melissa Ohden that has impacted us. When Melissa’s mother decided to get an abortion, she was at the same point in her pregnancy as we were when our twins were born. Fortunately, Melissa survived the procedure and today is an outspoken advocate for the sanctity of all human life, especially those threatened by abortion. For us, her story of surviving an abortion at the same gestational age as when our twins were born reaffirmed our understanding that all life is sacred and God given. If you are not familiar with her you can check out her story here: melissaohden.com
Our story
As the parents of twins who were born over two months premature, each at just over 3 pounds, we have come to understand how many times in life things are placed in our path not by our choice, but by providence. Shortly after our twins were born, one of them suffered an intracranial hemorrhage that would result in long-term medical complications for him. This would start our family down a path that we never planned on. Since then, we have learned so much about raising a child with severe disabilities.
Why it was worth it
Throughout the past 15 years we have come to understand one thing without question: The meaning of unconditional love. This occurs for every parent, but raising a disabled child can sometimes involve daunting challenges that seem overwhelming. Fortunately there are many community services and other parents available to help.
Raising children is undoubtedly very difficult but we should remember that all lives are worth living. In our case we have learned so much from the glimpse of God’s wisdom in raising a disabled child through the joys and trials that come with that responsibility. In closing, one Bible passage that really speaks to this is where Jesus came across a man blind from birth and was asked by his disciples “Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered that neither he nor his parents sinned, he was born that way so that God’s works might be made visible through him.
All children deserve to be born, so that we may see the works of God made visible through their lives.
Often the hardest things in life are ones that shape us the most. These aren’t easy or pleasant, but the result is well worth the trial!
We need others to walk with us through the hard times, though. We were not meant to walk the hard paths alone. Let us walk with you as you grow through the good times and the hard times.