First things first . . . You need the facts about abortion.

When making an important decision such as whether or not to have an abortion, there are a few facts that you first need to know.

  1. It is against the law for anyone to force or bully you into getting an abortion.  This can take the form of spoken or implied threats or intimidation.
  2. If a doctor does not provide informed consent before performing an abortion, he or she could be held legally responsible for damages.
  3. You do not have to pay any amount at all for an abortion procedure until after the 24-hour waiting period.
  4. The father of your child has responsibilities as well.  By law, he is responsible for helping financially support the child – even if he has offered to pay for an abortion.
  5. If you choose adoption for your child, the adoptive parents are allowed by law to pay for your prenatal, birth and neonatal care.

There are so many facts about abortion that you need to be made aware of before you can make an informed decision.

The first question you need answered: How Soon Do I Decide About Abortion?

As you consider all your options, check out Malinda’s abortion story:

*Information presented on this page was taken from – a service of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment


Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers offer peer counseling and accurate information about all pregnancy options.
In keeping with our non-profit, pro-woman mission, Advice & Aid does not offer or refer for abortion services.

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