What Are The Signs of Early Pregnancy?

Experiencing some early pregnancy signs?
Thinking you may be pregnant? 

Earliest Sign
There are signs and symptoms of early pregnancy that many women experience, some even experiencing them just days after the first missed period. Some signs, such as implantation bleeding (6-12 days after conception) happen even before a woman misses her period. Cramping may or may not occur during implantation, and many women hardly notice discomfort at all.

Tender Breasts
Another common symptom of early pregnancy is breast tenderness and/or swelling. This tenderness is caused by rising hormone levels and can be similar to how your breasts feel just before a period. Some women describe the sensation as “fullness” in their breasts. Often, these symptoms diminish after the first trimester, when the body adjusts to the hormonal changes.

Many women feel fatigue and tiredness early on in their pregnancies. Oftentimes, this is the first noticeable sign. If you have missed a period and just cannot seem to shake your fatigue, even after plenty of rest, you may be pregnant. The fatigue usually subsides into the second trimester but may return in the third trimester.

Mood Swings
Mood swings are common for many women early in their pregnancy. As the body tries to adjust to rising hormone levels, many women find they don’t sleep as well as usual. Increased urination and frequency is also common and may cause wakefulness at night, contributing to fatigue and moodiness.

Many women begin to have food aversions, increased salivation, or nausea and vomiting.  This can start anywhere from two weeks after conception until a month or two after a missed period.  For many women, these symptoms subside after the first trimester, but for a small percentage of women, the vomiting can be severe. A few lucky women never have issues with nausea at all.

Missed Period
For a large number of women, a missed period is the first sign that pregnancy may indeed have occurred. A home pregnancy test may not detect pregnancy until about a week after a missed period, so if you are having pregnancy symptoms AND have missed a period, you may need to repeat a pregnancy test. Women who track their periods and record the days upon which their periods start may notice a missed period faster, even in the absence of any pregnancy symptoms.

Frequent Urination
Another common symptom of pregnancy is frequent urination, as mentioned above. A woman’s blood volume increases dramatically over the course of her pregnancy, requiring the kidneys to filter more blood, thus increasing urine output. Many women note having to awaken at night to use the restroom, whereas it was rare before the pregnancy. Having to get up in the middle of the night contributes to the fatigue that many women experience in early pregnancy. Taking a nap during the day, if possible, can help combat fatigue. Do not feel guilty about taking that nap! You will need to pay close attention to your body now and in the coming months as you prepare for the arrival of your new baby.

Maybe it’s planned and well-anticipated . . . maybe it’s a complete shock and wasn’t in the plans at all. But if you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, it’s absolutely vital that you know for sure. Either way . . . you need to know.

Home tests can be hard to read sometimes. That’s why we provide medical-grade pregnancy tests here, along with a nurse, to help you not only get clear results, but to begin discussing your options and information.

The best part? It’s all at no financial cost to you.

Think you might be pregnant? Start with an easy-to-make appointment with us. No agenda . . . No judgment . . . Just helpful answers and options.

It’s the best first-step you can take!

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For more articles on pregnancy from Advice & Aid:
What’s the First Step After a Positive Pregnancy Test?
Can I Count on the Accuracy of a Home Pregnancy Test?
The Info You Need on Plan B

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