This woman has willingly given us permission to share her story so that others can realize there is hope in the midst of a difficult situation. All client experiences with Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers are kept with the highest confidence. The stories that are shared come from the real-life experiences that our clients, staff, and volunteers had during their unplanned pregnancy.
Her name has been removed but her story is true.
When I became pregnant with my daughter, I was excited and surprised. I was in a place in my life where I felt financially comfortable with having a baby and as I pursued this path, I was thankful that I was able to get pregnant so soon.
My partner, however, was not excited and became abusive toward me while I was pregnant.
I eventually decided to leave this abusive relationship and find a safe place for me and my child, but still feared that he would come after me. I slipped into a deep hole. This is when I reached out to Advice and Aid; I was only two months into my pregnancy at this time.
At Advice and Aid, I felt heard and understood. The lady I spoke with shared that she had a similar story.
She gave me hope that I could persevere as a single mom.
She was right, and I had my daughter and named her after my favorite saint, Therese of Little Flower. My child has been my biggest gift. Even though I experienced trauma and fear at the hands of my abuser; my daughter gives me the strength to keep pursuing a happy, safe future for us both. I know that I can count on Advice and Aid to lend a helping hand when needed. They have blessed me in so many ways when I felt like I did not have what it takes. The Monday night Connections meetings have been a great light to my week.
I know parenting takes work, but I also know that I am enough for my daughter. I am thankful for the assistance and teaching that I receive to ensure that she is developing appropriately. I don’t think I would be the mom that I am today without their support.
They sure make you feel loved and cared for.
Every woman’s story is different.
But what remains a constant with the women who come to us is that they are pregnant, and they need help. They don’t believe they can do this alone (or even with their partner). Maybe you feel the same way.
But we are here to provide not just the hope that is in such short supply in your story, but also help. Real help. Help that is there for a long time after your baby is born.
Whether that is helping you find financial assistance, providing education and training for the parenting job ahead, or even the basic necessities like diapers, formula, and clothes – we can, in the words of our friend above, give you the hope that you can persevere as a mom!
That help is as close as a click away. Just schedule an appointment – we’ll be here to provide the rest!