*Jackee is willingly giving us permission to share her story so that others can realize there is hope in the midst of a difficult situation. All client experiences with Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers are kept with the highest confidence. The stories that are shared come from the real-life experiences that our clients, staff and volunteers had during their unplanned pregnancy.
*Her name has been changed but her story is true.
Pregnancy was NOT in my plans
I am 28-years old, married, and have a 2-year-old son. The beginning of 2015 came with promises of a year filled with accomplishment of many goals. I was studying at college and I was to graduate this year. I had started my own family business … and it was growing like I never imagined. But at the beginning of February, I realized I was pregnant. I felt like my whole world collapsed. It was the worst news at this moment in my life. I felt like this wasn’t the right time for all the plans I had for my life and I didn’t realize what God wanted. I was blinded and angry at myself. The very same day we figured out that I was pregnant, I looked online for abortion options. I found a clinic that provided abortions, but the cost was too high and we did not have that kind of money. So I decided to search (more) online and found several places, and Advice & Aid came up with some others. I went to their website and began to read about my options. I wrote down the address and went to their office the next day.
I thought I knew what we should do
My husband went with me to that appointment and the first thing I told the receptionist was that I wanted information about an abortion. I felt like my entire body was shaking because of the decision I was about to make. She had us go in with a Client Advocate . . . We went in to a very cozy room which made me feel so much more at peace, though my nerves continued to shake. When we began talking to our Client Advocate, we let her know our situation and that we definitely wanted to have an abortion. She asked us many questions and slowly but surely, I began to realize what we thought we wanted wasn’t the right option at all! Our Client Advocate spoke to us with words that came directly from God. She touched our hearts and helped us to realize that the decision to abort was not the best option. She also helped us to understand that though I felt like my life was falling apart right now, God had allowed this pregnancy to happen, and He had a purpose for it, even if I didn’t understand at this time. That day, I felt God’s mercy over me.
That day, I simply arrived at the right place, at the right time and I met with the right person.
A wonderful change of my plans
I broke down and sobbed with our Client Advocate, allowing me to let go of all my fears. When we left that day, my husband and I couldn’t get over how thankful we were for God leading us to this place. If we had not gone to Advice & Aid, I think that we would have aborted our child.
In conclusion, I want to express how grateful I am that there are places like Advice & Aid in a country where abortion is completely legal. Advice & Aid is there, daily fighting for the mothers, helping them see that there are other options besides abortion.
Additional stories of women and families who didn’t feel that having a baby was in their plans at that time:
Nicole’s Story – Unplanned Pregnancy & Abortion
Jason’s Story – Choosing To Parent
If you are pregnant – and don’t know where to turn for help – we are here.
You don’t even need to talk to anyone on the phone to schedule the appointment. Schedule your appointment online – at your convenience and when you are ready.
We will be here for you!