How We Help Pregnant Women . . . Our Journeys Program


Very often, the sight of a positive pregnancy test is not a welcomed one. For reasons too numerous to count, many women from various stages of life are not at a point that they feel equipped to deal with pregnancy. But there it is . . . the positive pregnancy test.

The feelings and emotions are almost too overwhelming. Fear, uncertainty, and disbelief wash over the pregnant woman. Add to those feelings the additional hormones that pregnancy floods the body with, and it seems more than one person can handle.

We agree. It IS more than one person can handle. And we believe that no one woman should ever have to handle this alone. Even if this isn’t something that can initially be shared with friends or family members, we feel that no pregnant woman should ever have to be alone as they face this. That is why we are here.

We have developed a solution that gives the pregnant woman a chance to think, get answers, receive support and find an advocate, all at the same time. We call it Journeys. And here is what can happen in the Journeys program . . .

Ask Questions
We know that with an unintentional pregnancy come questions. Lots of questions. And that’s ok with us. We are here to patiently and honestly answer each and every question that is asked. We won’t pressure anyone or hide the facts. And we won’t get tired of answering the questions. If it is on someone’s mind, we can help provide answers. And with answers comes peace of mind.

With questions comes learning. It is extremely important that a woman who is facing an unplanned pregnancy learn. . . learn about her options, learn about her body, and learn about how her choices make a difference. From learning about the changes that take place within the pregnant body to what it takes to either parent or place for adoption, learning all the facts can help any pregnant woman feel much more confident.

Sometimes, finding out that there is an unplanned pregnancy can bring a sense of loss. It’s not uncommon to feel that all future plans suddenly seem out of reach. But that is not always the case. Through Journeys, we help the pregnant woman learn how to still become the person she wants to be. It is important to discover how a pregnancy does not mean the loss of who a woman is. Discovering what’s right for both woman and baby can be a source of wonder, joy and excitement.

Experience a true advocate
An advocate is someone who supports another. During this time, one of the things a pregnant woman needs most is an advocate . . . a supporter . . . someone who is there specifically for the sole reason of holding someone else up. From answering questions, to providing a shoulder to lean on, to helping come up with a workable plan, the advocate is there in all possible situations. Meeting weekly with an advocate can prove to be one of the most valuable aspects of Journeys.

Yes, homework. But it’s not the dreaded kind. This is the kind that helps a pregnant woman continue learning the very things she needs. This is the kind of homework that is truly helpful. By the time the valuable and informative homework is completed, a participant has the knowledge that she needs. With knowledge comes a sense of empowerment. Once again, regardless of unplanned circumstances, the woman can feel that she is prepared for the future.

Everything in life is better with rewards. They are what motivate us all to continue on. This journey caused by an unexpected pregnancy should not be without rewards. And we believe firmly in rewards. When a woman participates in Journeys, not only is she preparing herself for a future, but she will experience material rewards at the end. We take great joy in coming up with rewards that are specially suited for each woman completing the program. Just imagine . . . what might your reward be?

For more information about our Journeys program, please contact us at 913-962-0200. By calling, you are not committing yourself to come – you will be simply speaking to someone who can begin to give you the information you need.

Your own personal journey could begin today. . . with a friend by your side and you in control of your future.

Additional help if you or someone you know is expecting:
Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center has additional programs to help. To learn more, check out these posts:
Our Bridges Program
Our Labor & Delivery Program
Our Hotline & Online Chat

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