Because She Chose Adoption – One Grandpa’s Story of Love

“You have got to be kidding me!”

Rebecca was staring at the pregnancy test in her hand.

It was positive.

Being pregnant was the last thing she needed right now.  Her life was already way too complicated.  She was fighting a drug habit.  She and her boyfriend were both in trouble with the police.  In fact, there was a warrant out for her arrest.

It would be so easy to call an abortion provider and schedule an abortion.  But Rebecca didn’t do that.  She chose to continue her pregnancy.  She decided to carry the baby to term, and place this child for adoption with a couple that desperately wanted a child.

And because Rebecca chose adoption, I have a granddaughter.  Because Rebecca chose adoption, my daughter and her husband became parents.  And I have a granddaughter.  That sweet little girl is 7½ years old.  When she walks into our house, the room fills with light.

When Rebecca saw that positive pregnancy test, where was her first place to turn?  Did she call her mom?  Did she call her best friend?  Or did she call Advice & Aid?  I don’t know.  But in my mind, I can very easily picture her walking through the doors of Advice & Aid, and meeting one of the Client Advocates.  I can picture her receiving a friendly smile, compassionate care, and honest, truthful information that helped her make the decision she chose.

I have decided that the sweetest word in the English language is “Grandpa.”  And whenever I hear that word from my granddaughter’s lips, it makes my heart skip a beat.  I am madly in love with that girl!  And so, that is why I volunteer at Advice & Aid.  I want other Rebeccas to choose life.  I want other men just like me can hear to that sweetest word spoken by their grandchild – “Grandpa.”

Shared by Dr. Mark Johnson, who currently serves on the Board of Directors for Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers.

If you, or someone you know, is facing an unplanned pregnancy, we want you to know that you are not alone as you make choices for both you and your baby. The idea of adoption can be overwhelming. We are here to help.

While Advice & Aid does not handle adoptions personally, we do partner with a number of licensed, fully trusted adoption agencies in our area. We can help you walk through the entire process with one of these recommended agencies so that you are not alone.

All it takes is an easy click – Schedule an Appointment with us just to talk. No pressure here. Just compassion, honesty and options.



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