An Adoption Story: Envision a Life Well-Lived

An Adoption Story: Rethinking the Possibilities

The writer of this story is willingly giving us permission to share her story so that others can realize there is hope in the midst of a difficult situation. All client experiences with Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers are kept with the highest confidence. The stories that are shared come from the real-life experiences that our clients, staff, and volunteers had during their unplanned pregnancy.

We are sharing this letter with the hope that this person’s personal experience with life would enlighten an expecting mother on her option of providing her child with life. It is adoption, a loving option.

In the Beginning . . . Pregnant and Unsure of Where to Turn

Many years ago, a 27-year-old single woman found herself pregnant with a married man’s child. After telling the father about her condition, the two of them decided that an abortion was the best option. He gave her the money for the procedure, and the appointment was made. But as she was driving to the abortion facility, she began to worry about her personal well-being throughout the procedure. As she sat in the parking lot, doubt and fear overcame her. It just felt wrong. She could not go inside. For the next several months, she agonized about what she would do next. After all, she was single and a student attending the Kansas City Art Institute. She dreamed of becoming an art teacher, and a baby just did not fit into that plan. She had heard of a place in her area that was a safe place that would help single pregnant women. Their program was supportive of the mothers whether they wanted to keep the baby or place the child for adoption. During the decision-making time, women there were able to learn skills and crafts, and this young woman learned to crochet. She made her unborn child a beautiful pink outfit. Soon, a baby girl was born.

A Brave Decision Finally Made

This young mother went to live with her sister for a time while she made her decision of whether or not to keep her baby. Months passed before she ultimately signed adoption papers. She requested that the adopting parents take home their new daughter in the pretty little outfit that she had made for her. They not only honored the mother’s wishes, but they saved the outfit for the baby girl to have and know, later in her life, that her birth mom loved her. The baby girl was four months old when she was adopted by a loving couple. Her adoptive parents gave her a new name, but when she was old enough to understand, they told her of the adoption. They explained that her birth mom could not take care of her, and loved her so much that she was given to them to love and care for. They loved their daughter as their own.

A Life of Meaning and Gratitude

As you may have guessed, I am the baby girl who was adopted. It shocks me to know how close I came to never having a chance at the life I have lived! I loved my adoptive parents, and they fully loved me. I have lived a wonderful life and became a Registered Nurse to care for people. I have had the opportunity to help hundreds of them. I am married, have raised three beautiful daughters of my own, and have three wonderful granddaughters. My life of loving and caring for others includes being a registered nurse, having gone on eight mission trips to Africa and Ecuador, and I served the first responders following the September 11, 2001 attack in New York City. I add these things not to boast, but to say that my life has meant something to others in a positive way. Now I hope my story will help other scared and confused moms to know that there are options that include support for them. I want them, too, to choose life.

Meeting My Brave Birth Mother in Love and Admiration

I have always been so grateful that my birth mother chose life for me. So much so, that my husband and I spent time searching for her. We finally found where she was living, and I wrote her a letter informing her of the good life I have enjoyed and thanked her for bravely choosing life for me. I am eternally thankful. With the letter, I sent a picture of the outfit that she had made prior to my birth, to prove my identity. I still have the pink knitted outfit to this day. Three months after receiving my letter, my birth mother called me, and we talked for hours. We subsequently enjoyed a relationship for a few years before she passed away from cancer.

For anyone who is pregnant, scared, confused, and feeling alone, please know that there are choices you can make for your daughter or son. You are NOT alone! There is help and support for you. This can turn out to be a very good thing for both you and your baby. I am living proof!

While Advice & Aid does not handle adoptions personally, we do partner with a number of licensed, fully trusted adoption agencies in our area. We can help you walk through the entire process with one of these recommended agencies so that you are not alone.

Start here – no judgment, no pressure at all. Just someone to talk to who has some truly helpful answers. Someone who wants whats best for you!

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