When making an important decision, it is extremely important that you have all of the accurate facts before you make your decision.

Abortion, as with any medical procedure, is not without risk.  In order for you to make the best-possible informed decision, you need to know about all of the risks before you decide. Some risks are immediate, some are long-term (meaning they can show up in your future), and some are psychological. Know your facts before you make a decision.

Immediate Medical Abortion Risks

  • Pelvic Infection (sepsis)
  • Incomplete abortion
  • Blood clots in the uterus
  • Heavy bleeding (hemorrhage)
  • Cut or torn cervix
  • Perforation of the uterus wall
  • Anesthesia-related complication
  • Rh Immune Globulin Therapy (could endanger future pregnancies)

Long Term Medical Abortion Risks

Future childbearing – in some cases, complications associated with abortion may make it difficult or impossible to become pregnant in the future.

Psychological Abortion Risks

It is important to note that some women encounter a variety of psychological effects after an abortion.  These range from irritability, difficulty sleeping, depression and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

It is often helpful for a woman to speak with someone if she is experiencing these symptoms.  If you have undergone an abortion, and are suffering from the psychological effects, please contact us to speak with a qualified Client Advisor.

Advice & Aid has a Post-Abortion Assessment in which we discuss both the physical and emotional aspects of post-abortion. Learn more here:

*All information presented on this page was taken from www.WomansRightToKnow.org – a service of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers offer peer counseling and accurate information about all pregnancy options.
In keeping with our non-profit, pro-woman mission, Advice & Aid does not offer or refer for abortion services.

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